Tuesday, 30 September 2008

mislaid a file

www.888dag.com Then it just appeared where it should have been even after I had searched in that very same place for it-weird.....must have been those gremlins 

Friday, 26 September 2008

friend's mum in hospital

www.888dag.com Went to visit her today-cant believe how lax the nursing is-they give her pills but dont stay to make sure she takes them or to make sure they dont end up on the floor-the doctor comes to answer her questions about her uncomfortable neck brace and he looked bored and disinterested for the whole two minutes he was there..maybe he was overworked and tired but he could have pretended to care for just two minutes!

Thursday, 25 September 2008


www.888dag.com Man of the house cleaned out dirty fish pond -lots of elbow grease- now sparkling and clean -then filled it with clean water (or so we thought)-off we went to buy a goldfish or two! Not so fast...goldfish-shop-man said first you must prepare the water to take out the chemicals which would kill the fish-bought the appropriate bottle and added it to the water-need to wait two or three days before getting the new fish now....excitement is building!

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Dr Who

www.888dag.com Got caught up in the Dr Who thriller on Sundays and forgot to blog! Phew-without giving anything away to those still to check it out-each episode seems to have a better cliff hanger than the week before! Sundays on ABC with captions available for those who havent yet joined the fan club!

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Murder Ball Paralympics

www.888dag.com Gold medal playoff for the men-amazing work to get to the decider-nail biting-if you havent watched it yet-you must! What athletes-what skill-what a game!!

Tuesday, 16 September 2008


www.888dag.com Dressed up in Beefeater costumes on Sunday for a Variety Bash fund raiser out west-rained on us a bit- watched lots of children's dance groups on the stage in beautiful costumes-spoke to some mums who said each costume cost them about $180 all up-the dressmakers are doing a good business as there were some kids in four different costumes for each four minute dance!

Saturday, 13 September 2008

too hot today-29C!

www.888dag.com But before I wilted in the heat I had brekkie with a special little girl who has THE cutest personality....melts the heart!

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Smoke and Mirrors launch

www.888dag.com Went to last night's launch of the new jewellery collection called Smoke and Mirrors-gorgeous stuff-puzzle necklaces in silver-lots of lovely people, music, food and us!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

council elections

www.888dag.com Chatted to Independent, Liberal, Labour and Greens at the local library voting area today about what they wanted to achieve for Bondi in the upcoming council elections. Independent and Liberal (both ok with being filmed) just wanted to get rid of parking meters-and Labour. Labour and Greens (not happy to be filmed) wanted to help people and the environment. I know who gets my vote-even though they were scared to be filmed!

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Fathers Day

www.888dag.com Brekkie with two special grandpas with one extra special granddaughter with one wonderful daddy and his gorgeous daughter-the other attendees hardly stopped smiling ....

Saturday, 6 September 2008

rain rain and more rain

www.888dag.com Enough already! we need some sun.......beginning to wilt.....but am breathing...

Friday, 5 September 2008

delivered a fridge

www.888dag.com We had a spare fridge which wanted a new home so we took it there last night-new fridge happy in new surroundings-enjoy new owner-good work K9!

Thursday, 4 September 2008

mobile phone while driving

www.888dag.com Waiting to cross the road today-saw a car with P plates driver on mobile while driving and both her hands were off the wheel waving them around while talking.....scary!

Here is a teaser 
for 888dag from DJmiss universe

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Grey streaks

www.888dag.com Just wondering why it takes so long for my normal hair to grow but it takes no time at all for the grey streaks to sprout and blossom immediately at a full long length!! odd.....

Monday, 1 September 2008

The Dark Knight

www.888dag.com Saw it at Imax-wowie-talk about being in the middle of the action! very dark and amazing special effects-Heath Ledger was terrific!